The bumbling fool putting on a nappy backwards. The lazy oaf who’s left the DIY job untouched for five years. The snoring ogre, fast asleep while his kids wreck the house.
It’s fair to say the advertising industry hasn’t been particularly kind – or truthful – about the role dads play in family life. But, here to challenge stereotypes and stand up for dads across the land, is this new ad for Peanut Butter Cheerios:
Yes, it’s slightly cheesy in places, but the point of the ad is to show that dads can be capable parents, at the same time as being empathetic, fun and caring.
The spot ends by labelling Peanut Butter Cheerios ‘The Official Cereal of Dadhood’, a term General Mills is sticking on boxes as the once limited-edition cereal becomes permanent.
Why not go the whole hog and rename them Daddy-os? (We’ll get our coats.)